Terms & Conditions
By booking our team you agree to the conditions below
Recieving Content & Content Storage
When sending Branding Content, Photos and Videos your content is available for 14 days of this link being posted to you. After that the link and its media folders are archived. If required to retrieve it will be an additional $50.00. By downloading these images you are signing an automatic contract agreement that it is your responsibility to store the media files safely (its generally recommended to not only save a copy on your computer but a hard copy on a USB or external hard drive). VC Media will hold a hard copy of your media files for (2 months) from the date of the final product being sent.
Quoting & Additional Work
When quoting for a job the hours of Setting-Up, Filming, Photography and Editing are taken into consideration. With VC Media's Photo/ Video services there is 1 minor (1hr editing) session included in the package to allow for small changes the client would like made. Any additional work will be invoiced for and in some cases won't be sent until payment is received.